Atchafalaya Border Collies
About Us
At Work

Firefox 2


Kalakoli Princess Jazmin AD JD

Jaz put on a bit of weight in her later days, but was once a regular competitor in the agility ring, and she loved working cattle.

Jaz was always the alpha-dog of the pack and always ready to work. With the stuborn cattle we tend to have, she adopted a non-BC attitude of stand up and bark - and bite whenever you can. It's a good aproach when the Border Collie "eye" fails to work. She stood 52cm (21") at the shoulder in her youth and weighed about 24 kg in her prime.

She loved going to agility and doing her "jobs" around the farm, like herding the chickens to bed and getting those dang cows out of the Sugar Cane.

In her old age she became a nice old retired house dog, and quite liked that as well...

See Jaz at Work for more photos.

Jaz in a well 'dogged' chair!

Jaz in a well used chair. This is what the furniture tends to look like when you have a few Border Collies around the house. And this is the Human, Tim's, favorite outdoor chair!

Brucarlou Brigadier Tullaview Bounty Hunter CH Tullagale Travel Intime
Tullaview Tryit Myway
Aust CH Crestvale Ovation CD A/NZ CH Joys Echo Of Clan Abby
CH. Crestvale Callme Madam
Bootsabound Tess Cockyvale Berger Ch Goodlow Sir Skipper CD
Goodlow Sable Kimmie
Kartasha Tamarah CH Minimbah Storm Flight
Diggersnilk Shelley