Atchafalaya Border Collies
About Us
At Work

Firefox 2

Getting it together...

It's almost impossible to get all the guys together, but this page is for the few times when the camera manages to catch more than one together at a time. Hope to get some more photos here soon. Some video footage is also included as that is a great way to catch the group and how they interact.

Fetch Videos

Fetch 1 Ashley and Bella chasing Ashley's big brother, Sputnik, while he fetches the plastic bottle. (1.4meg download) Or see it here on YouTube.

Fetch 2 Family fetch day, the pack at play. Abby (the one chewed by dingo) is the one fetching. Xev is the one staying with Therese and barking. The brown dog is Mallie. Sputnik in the big one running around. Duke can be seen laying down on the right watching the action. Ashley is running around with her tail straight up (near Duke when you see him). Bella is the other one running around. She is black with grey on the trousers. (3.7meg download)

Fetch 3 A good catch by Abby with her pup Sputnik circling the action, and with Ashley and Bella nearby. (410k download)

Pool Videos

Pool 1 The pool is a great source of excitment for the dogs. It's mostly a dog pool really, stuck in the back corner of the yard. Duke is the ladder guard, and Mallie just likes to run the edge. She has great balance and often does the loop at a full run. Xev just likes to bark while Bella likes to be in with the people. (426k download)

Pack Pix

The Pack at Play.