Atchafalaya Sputnik TD ET
Is the new wild man of the forest. Sputnik likes to do everything at top speed and
he is taking a great interest in livestock and loves his agility. His name comes from
the large black spot on his neck, hence he was called
spot-neck when he was just a tiny babe. It
stuck and became Sputnik due to a lack of imagination during the name hunting...
Sputnik and Therese did well in 2006 with a Tracking Dog (TD) title as well as their ET
For more see
Sputnik at Work.
Sputnik has been tested and found to be clear of
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (CL), as per
Genetic Science Services report BRC1608.
Sputnik has not been tested for TNS but is clear of this mutation
by parentage.
For more information, please see the
Border Collie Health page.