Atchafalaya Border Collies
About Us
At Work

Firefox 2

Atchafalaya Ivanovas Kai

Kai is a very special guy who always seemed a lot older than his years. He is an extremely quick study and learned all the basics of obedience and agility in a very short time. Unfortunately an injury to his foot as a puppy kept him out of early competition, and his training was restricted as he was not allowed to jump. He did finally start trialing in 2006 and got one qual toward a CCD title and started trailing in agility competitions.

Kai's mother was killed by a Tiapan snake when he was barely weaned, but he was adopted by the other dogs of the pack like Abby and his grandmother, Jazmin.

Kai has been tested and found to be clear of Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (CL), as per Genetic Science Services report BRC1609. For more information, please see the Border Collie Health page.

A young Kai.

Atchafalaya Ban Jo Jakarra Mr Garibaldi ADX JDM ET TD Locharra Markus
Mylawn Lady Melanie
Timbrel Winter Mist ET JD Timbrel Daen Knight CDX
Ch Timbrel Glengallan Gem CDX
Atchafalaya Miss Ivanova AD JD ET Jakarra Mr Garibaldi ADX JDM ET TD Locharra Markus
Mylawn Lady Melanie
Kalakoli Princess Jazmin AD JD Brucarlou Brigadier
Bootsabound Tess