Atchafalaya Dukhat TD
Dukhat is a Blue and White Border Collie. Although his grandmother, Abby, is
blue it was a surprise to get blue pups in this litter. His father was red and white and
his mother is black and white.
Dukhat has not been tested for
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (CL),
however he appears to be clear by parentage as his parents have been
tested and found clear. For more information, please see the
Border Collie Health page.
Dukhat is a hyperactive guy and finds it hard to stay still, and he
loves to sniff everything, but that makes him a great natural tracking
dog. Dukhat got his Tracking Dog (TD) Title in his first double
tracking weekend trial in April 2006.
More Photos on Dukhat's Work Page.
Dukhat on his first day 'out'...
The Duke at rest...
Dukhat at 11 months... Still trying to grow a brain...